Two leaders of the protest movement in Ingushetia, Barakh Chemurziev and Bagaudin Khautiev, have been transferred to a temporary detention center in Stanitsa Essentukskaya (Stavropol Territory) from Nalchik’s Detention Facility No 1 (Kabardino-Balkaria) in order to “participate in investigative activities.” It was reported by the defence attorney of Barakh Chemurziev…

Barakh Chemurziev and Bagaudin Khautiev were taken out of Ingushetia and received into Nalchik’s Detention Facility No 1 on April 3rd. They were moved together with over 20 members of protest movement. Two of the patriarchs, 67-year-old Malsag Uzhakhov and 65-year-old Akhmet Barakhoev, were put into Vladikavkaz’s Detention Facility No 1 (North Ossetia).

Investigators accused all the detainees of “violence against a representative of authority” (Part 2 of Article 318 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) during a protest action in Magas on March 27th. On that day, 10 of the officers of Federal National Guard Troops Service were hurt in the capital of Ingushetia. One of the officers, whose last name is Kurkin, was diagnosed with grievous bodily harm.

Barakh Chemurziev notes in his letter, which he gave to his defence attorney after the transfer to Stanitsa Essentukskaya, that the investigators knew who caused Kurkin the injury on March 27th, but they accused the almost 30 detainees of doing it. As is argued by Chemurziev, 20 of them were unable to hit the officers of Federal National Guard Troops Service because they were not at the rally at that time or were separated by a distance from the point of impact. “I’ve never any pipe dreams regarding the law enforcement system of our country but the actions of the investigators of Central Criminal Investigations Directorate of Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in North Caucasian Federal District destroyed the remaining hopes I had for the enhancing of the situation if this region,” Barakh Chemurziev points out. He also noted that the Ingush activists, who are in Nalchik’s Detention Facility No 1, are safe and sound, and sprightly awaiting for the trial and after-life. “We are ready for any turn of events,” they say in their letters into the outside world.

Ruslan Sampiev

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