Today in Nalchik city court the session on the case of Akhmed Pogorov who is accused in the article on violence against the representative of authorities took place. The court granted the investigators’ petition to extend Pahorou’s arrest by two months — until June 25.

The meeting was open to the public, but not everyone could attend. The relatives of the defendant were allowed into the hall, in addition to the participants of the trial. The judge refused the others, citing the fact that «there are not so many seats in the hall,» lawyer Magomed Gagiyev told Fortanga.

The investigation asked for an extension of arrest, and the court agreed, the lawyer said, calling «absolutely unfounded both the application and the court’s decision. The defense justified «the illegality of the investigator’s motion,» he noted.

According to him, there were two records of interrogation of classified witnesses in the case file. «We consider the information mentioned there to be absolutely false, that’s why we applied for recognition of these protocols inadmissible. Unfortunately, the court refused us. In general, we believe that the court made an absolutely unlawful unreasonable decision, and we will appeal it within three days. We are going to write an appeal», — summed up the lawyer.

Akhmed Pogorov was detained on February 26 at his home. He had previously been charged in absentia and placed on an international wanted list. Pogorov was a participant in the March 26, 2019 rally in Magas and called activists to order.

Rallies against the Ingushetia-Chechnya border agreement have been held in Magas since autumn 2018. In March 2019, they turned into clashes with security forces and detentions of activists. A total of 46 people were arrested and about 30 people received real sentences on charges of violence against government officials. Seven protest leaders are also in the dock. They are accused of organizing and calling for violence against representatives of the authorities and of establishing and participating in an extremist community.

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