This morning dozens of law enforcers cordoned off a street in the village of Yandare and came to the house of local resident Abbas Khamkhoyev to conduct a search. As a result of the search, the law enforcers declared an explosive device and Khamkhoyev was detained. His whereabouts are unknown. Lawyer Magomed Aushev told Fortanga about it.

According to the detainee’s relatives, the lawyer said that about 30 law enforcers came to them. They first entered the house without letting family members in «for security reasons» before inviting them in and pointing to the explosive device found on the folding child’s chair. The lawyer noted that the relatives do not believe in the version of the law enforcers that the explosive device belonged to them.

According to him, Abbas’s relatives were told that he would be taken to the republican FSB directorate in Magas. By 12 o’clock the relatives of the detainee had left for Magas with a lawyer, where Khamkhoyev was to be taken, but the FSB told them that they had not received any such person. Afterwards they went to the temporary detention facility in the town of Nazran, where at 8:30 p. m. they were told that Abbas Khamkhoyev had not been brought there. The relatives have no information about the whereabouts of the detainee yet, nor about what he is charged with.

Aushev also said that Khamkhoyev’s relatives had filed a police report about Khamkhoyev’s abduction.

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