The discussion of the commission’s report on determining the border with Chechnya, which reflects all violations of the agreement adopted in the fall of 2018, took place after attempts to disrupt the meeting.

First, the Teip Council of Ingushetia postponed discussion of the report of the national commission following the visit of law enforcers who were checking information about the house bombing. But then the meeting was held in one of the private backyards.

«The congress was scheduled to begin at 9:30 (July 7), and over a hundred people were invited. The initial plans were to hold the Second World Congress of the Ingush People, but the Teip Council was given a slight hint by the republic’s leadership that holding the congress was undesirable, and the public decided to compromise. But even in the form of a meeting, they tried to sabotage the event. After the room where we’d planned to meet was cordoned off, it was decided, thanks to the insistence of some of the elders, to hold the enlarged meeting, despite all the offers to disperse,» the Ingush blogger told Fortanga
Isropil Nalgiev

Speaking about the work of the commission on the report itself, he noted that it «can safely be considered the first such voluminous work presented in the North Caucasus. Speakers at the event repeatedly stressed that the activities of the commission are only intended «to prevent any future escalation and attempts by the authorities to lay a time bomb between the two peoples,» Nalgiev said.

«In general, we have achieved our goal, despite the fact that they tried to influence us, spoiled the event. The work of the commission has been going on for two and a half years, so far we have summarized only one of the stages, the work is still not completed, but based on the results of the collected materials we felt it necessary to publicize the work of the commission. At the event, we reported everything to the audience in a more abbreviated form so that the public could form an idea of the situation. We will publish a full report a little later,» the chairman of the commission of the World Congress of the Ingush People told Fortanga
Askhab Goygov

He said that the report would be sent to both the Chechen and Ingush authorities. «After this procedure, we will wait for a response from our opponents so that they will also provide us with their arguments and materials, and then we will study all the arguments and materials of both sides in camera. After all this work, we hope to sit down at the negotiating table,» Goygov noted.

The chairman of the commission stressed that the main task is to establish the truth, restore the picture of historical events. «Of course, we don’t expect a quick result, but at least we understand that we have to work in this direction,» he added.

Goygov explained that all procedures related to the agreement, from its preparation to signing and approval, were carried out in violation of the rights of residents of Ingushetia. «Despite all this, the federal bodies still supported the Chechen side without looking into it and without taking into account the legitimate just demands of the Ingush people. I believe that the federal bodies should change their point of view after becoming acquainted with our materials,» the chairman of the commission expressed his hope.

He also noted that the authorities did not support the work of the commission. «It’s worth comparing it all with the activities of regions such as North Ossetia and Chechnya, where the entire government and parliament are involved. They have absolutely everyone involved in this problem, and of course in the end everything works out, while we are trying to do at least some work in a partisan way,» Goygov said.

An Ingush republican delegate to the People’s Assembly
Beyal Yevloyev
Speaking at a session of the Teip Council, he pointed to falsifications in the voting for the border agreement. According to him, to date, he and his supporters are unable to obtain justice and recognize the agreement as illegal, and the Investigative Committee refuses to initiate criminal proceedings.

Lawyer and social activist
Magomed Bekov
considered the report submitted by the commission on July 7 to be legally correct. He noted that the document was «beyond doubt on the archival materials and scientific justification provided.»

«The material collected during the two years of the commission’s work confirms that the territory of the Republic of Ingushetia transferred in 2018 under the agreement between Yu-B. Evkurov and R. Kadyrov to the Chechen Republic is an integral part of the Republic of Ingushetia. Public figures, lawyers, historians and religious figures of the Republic of Ingushetia were invited to the extended meeting and they announced their decision on the transferred territories in 2018 and recognized the actions of those who took part in this act as inconsistent with the Sharia law and the current Russian legislation», -. Magomed Bekovwrote on his Facebook page.

He noted that «destructive forces failed to disrupt the event.

Recall that in the fall of 2018, the heads of Ingushetia and Chechnya, Yunus-Bek Evkurov and Ramzan Kadyrov, concluded an agreement on the establishment of borders between Ingushetia and Chechnya, under which about 10 percent of the territory was transferred to Chechnya. The agreement sparked mass protests, resulting in clashes with security forces and detentions of activists. A total of 46 people were arrested, most of them receiving real sentences on charges of violence against authorities. Eight protest leaders are currently in the dock, including former Ingush Interior Minister Akhmed Pogorov, who is being tried separately.

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