Residents who worked at the Ekazhevo state farm for many years recorded a video appeal to the head of Ingushetia. They asked to be allocated the land plots they were entitled to.

«In 2008, we were issued documents for the lands. However, after the former head of Ingushetia Y.B. Evkurov took office, the process was suspended, noting that they would not allocate the plots. Evkurov suspended the process, noting that they would not allocate the plots. We’re asking you to give us the land parcels we need and permission for construction. We have been waiting for 13 years with documents in our hands, give us land and a construction permit,» said one of the authors of the appeal.

The residents, according to them, have worked at the state farm for many years, and for the past 13 years they have been «fed with promises». «Since 1974 I have been working at the state farm. I haven’t received any help. I have two sons, they gave me documents, but what good are they if we can’t build anything there,» said another resident of the republic.

The former workers of the state farm hope that the head of Ingushetia will be able to solve the problem. «Since 2008, there is no place to live with children. We were glad when the documents were issued, but the former authorities left, ruining all our plans. All hope is on you,» they concluded.

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