Fortanga has obtained copies of letters written by hundreds of Ingush residents to the People’s Assembly. They are asking deputies to send motions to the Kislovodsk court for a fair ruling for political prisoners in the «Ingush case.

«You understand perfectly well the political and tense situation in which the population of Ingushetia finds itself. How people are hoping for a fair, objective outcome of the Kislovodsk court process. We believe that you, as representatives of the people, have the right to petition for a true solution to free political prisoners», numerous appeals indicate. Residents are confident that the individuals involved have nothing to do with violence against government officials, nor with the creation of an extremist community.

According to Leyla Barakhoyeva, sister of Akhmed Barakhoyev, if people apply to MPs for a fair trial, it means they don’t trust the authorities. «The community knows all these people. Our republic is very small, we know who is worth what. It has come to the point where citizens are asking the parliament to go to court. They do not believe him, and we know that the whole process is an order from the beginning to the end. There was no crime, there is no evidence in the case materials, there is no extremism. The power structures also checked the contacts. They know that the prisoners met at the rally and did not create any extremist community», — said Leyla Barakhoyeva.

She added that people in Russia are tired of living a lie, in a country where laws don’t work, there are no jobs, corruption is everywhere, and the clan system is everywhere. The woman collected over a hundred signatures on an appeal to deputies.

One of the signatories is Dzhabrail Iliev, a resident of the republic. He said that he hoped that the defendants in the Ingush case would be acquitted.

«I am not a lawyer, but I believe in a bright future. Probably, there is still humanity, justice in life. Our prisoners are not to blame, there is relevant video footage from the rally,» said Jabrail.

The People’s Assembly of Ingushetia confirmed that they had received appeals. According to MP Akhmed Kostoev, all the requests of people are being processed and will be answered within 30 days.

«For our part, we are trying to write motions to the court, work is already underway in this direction. We do not know, we hope for a humane sentence, taking into account mitigating circumstances».

Fortanga earlier reported that residents of Ingushetia were recording en masse video appeals asking the court to impartially try those involved in the «Ingush case.

We would remind you that on October 26 and 27, a debate of the sides in the «Ingush case» will be held. Political prisoners Akhmed Barakhoyev, Musa Malsagov, Ismail Nalgiyev, Zarifa Sautiyeva, Malsag Uzhakhov, Bagaudin Khautiyev and Barakh Chemurziyev are in the dock. There is a separate trial for Akhmed Pogorov. They are accused of organizing the use of violence against security forces at a rally in Magas on March 27, 2019. Then thousands of people came out to protest against the agreement on the border between Ingushetia and Chechnya, they demanded the resignation of Evkurov. The event turned into a clash with the security forces, 52 people were prosecuted. In almost all cases, convictions were handed down with real terms of imprisonment. In addition to violence against representatives of the authorities, the defendants were also charged with the article on the creation and participation in an extremist community.

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