The owner of the scandalous aluminum alloy plant RIAL has demanded in court to extend the lease rights to the land in AliYurt for eight years, on the pretext that this is the only way to obtain a bank loan for the further implementation of the project.

According to public information, the co-owner of ZAS RIAL is Akhmed Tumgoev, son of Ingushetia’s chief lawmaker, Magomed Tumgoev. He owns 51 percent in the authorized capital of ZAS RIAL LLC (92.2 million rubles). The joint-stock company Corporation of Development of the Republic of Ingushetia owns 49 percent in the authorized capital (88.6 million rubles).

Fortanga has in its possession a copy of the aluminum plant’s lawsuit against the Russian Ministry of Property and Land Relations, which, according to the document, refused to extend the lease agreement.

The lawsuit states that in January 2018, an investment agreement was signed with the company to build the facility. For this purpose, officials leased a plot of land near the village of Ali-Yurt in Nazranovsky district for a period of three years. In addition to its own funds, ZAS RIAL received 88.5 million rubles from the Corporation of Development of the Republic of Ingushetia.

In February 2019, the government of Ingushetia and Rosselkhozbank signed an agreement of intent on the implementation of the investment project. ZAS «RIAL» requested loan funds, and, under the terms of the loan, provided as collateral a leased land plot (15 thousand square meters in the village of Ali-Yurt). However, the bank imposed a counter condition: to extend the lease in 2021 for a period that would exceed the term of repayment of the loan by 12 months. The plaintiff asked the Ministry of Property to extend the lease of the land until 2029, but was refused. Now the Arbitration Court of Ingushetia must put an end to this trial.

The Ministry of Natural Resources has suspended the project due to the lack of wastewater treatment plants

«Fortanga» previously reported that residents of the village of AliYurt repeatedly opposed the construction of the aluminum plant RIAL. In August 2020, about 100 people held protests. They expressed fears that the new production facility would harm their health and the environment. At the time, Isropil Tumgoev, a representative of the plant, was unable to provide the authorities with all the required permits from supervisory bodies; in particular, there was no permit from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of Ingushetia.

At the same time, local deputy and village resident Muslim Ganizhev claimed that Tumgoev did not have any permits. «We made an inquiry to the administration of the Nazranovsky district, because it was supposed to give permission. Despite the fact that they didn’t give permission, the plant began to be built, violating all the laws,» he said.

On August 4, 2020, Tumgoev was summoned to a Sharia court. Then the Qadi decided that the construction must be approved by the local residents, and if even one person was against it, the plant could not be built. «Despite the conclusions of the Sharia court and the opinion of the residents, he still builds,» Ganizhev stated. — He doesn’t look at religion or people. He just does what will bring him profit.

Ganizhev pointed out that the RIAC aluminum profile plant, which is located next door, has no wastewater treatment facilities.

In August of this year, residents once again demanded that the current RIAC plant be halted and that a new one be built. Experts found that ZAS RIAL has no treatment facilities, it discharges wastewater directly onto the ground. The waste enters the environment without being filtered. The Ministry of Natural Resources has brought the facility to administrative responsibility for violating the federal law «On Environmental Protection. At the same time, the test run of the new production facility was suspended indefinitely — until the construction of the sewage treatment plant. After that, the officials promised to appoint an expert examination to substantiate the legality of the production in the neighborhood of the residential area. Only if there is no harm to the population will the plant begin operation, as reported by the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology Magomed Yevloyev. Nevertheless, in September, the plant continued to work as if nothing had happened.

As a reminder, in April 2018, RIAC, the only aluminum profile plant in the North Caucasus Federal District, opened the second phase of production in the village of Ali-Yurt, Nazranovsky district, Ingushetia. In 2019, it was planned to begin construction of the RIAL aluminum alloy plant, which was to become a supplier of raw materials for RIAC.

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