This morning, unknown assailants came to the apartment of Adam Khamchiyev, an Ingush blogger and member of the regional political party Civic Initiative, and took him away in an unknown direction, his relative told Fortanga.

When Adam’s wife returned home at 7:20 a.m. Moscow time, after spending the night at her relatives’, she found two unauthorized men in masks and civilian clothes in the apartment, he said. «They rudely said, ‘He’s not here,’ and told her to leave the apartment. Besides them, there were two other people on the landing,» said the relative. He claims that Khamichev engaged exclusively in lawful activities, universally emphasizing the need to adhere to the legal framework of the Russian Federation.

Neighbors told Fortanga that at 6:00 a.m. Moscow time four men in military uniforms knocked on all the apartments in the stairwell of the house where he lives in Magas. Unknown persons introduced themselves as controllers checking the lights, they said. The neighbors explained that they did not open the door, but one of them saw through a peephole how four people took Khamchiev away. According to neighbors, the law enforcers shouted at the blogger, and he shouted at them.

At the same time, a number of security and law enforcement-related Internet-publications report that Khamchiyev has been detained by the police, the party notes.

«The police arrived on a call from a resident of Magas, who reported a suspicious man with weapons. Khamchiev was detained and taken to law enforcement authorities. During the search, a pistol was seized from him,» a message from one of those publishers was quoted on the party’s Instagram page.

A representative of the Civil Initiative party told Fortanga that he telephoned the Extremism Combating Center of the Ingush Ministry of Internal Affairs, but they said that Khachiyev was not among those detained. The party suggested that the blogger had been detained by the FSB.

Recall that Khamchiev is known for his publications on pressing social issues.

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