The administration of Roszdravnadzor, the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Ingushetia and the government of Ingushetia will check the quality of medical care in the Republic Clinical Perinatal Center in connection with complaints from relatives of patient Madina Ausheva, who fell into a coma after childbirth.

The head of Roszdravnadzor Alla Samoilova ordered the territorial agency to check the organization of medical care to patients in the Republican Clinical Perinatal Center, according to a report on the website of the Federal Service for Supervision in Healthcare.

«The reason for the organization of control measures served as the posted in social networks video message residents with complaints about the quality of medical care in this medical facility, «- stated in the message.

This morning, First Deputy Prime Minister Magomed Yevloyev also visited the perinatal center. He promised that a government commission will check the credibility of complaints from the relatives of 35-year-old patient Madina Ausheva, cited an Interfax news agency as saying. According to him, the actions of both the management of the perinatal center and treating physicians will be evaluated in the course of a comprehensive inspection.

Yevloyev also promised that the republic’s authorities would attract the best specialists from leading Russian clinics to treat the patient. In addition, work will be organized to improve the skills of the center’s staff.

The Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Ingushetia also announced the beginning of an inspection of information about violations in the perinatal center. According to the ministry, on January 10 on a page of a social network posted information that the relatives of a 35-year-old resident of the republic asked to check the actions of doctors of the perinatal center of the republic. According to her relatives, the woman was admitted to a medical facility on November 29, 2021, gave birth to a child, then her health deteriorated sharply and has not normalized to this day. «An inquest is underway,» the agency’s website said.

Fortanga previously reportedThe relatives of 35-year-old Madina Ausheva recorded and posted on social networks a video appeal to the head of the republic, and also sent a statement to the prosecutor’s office with a request to check the actions of doctors at the perinatal center in Ingushetia. They said that the mother of six children was admitted to the perinatal center on November 29, 2021, three hours later she gave birth to a boy and the next day she was in a coma from which she has not been out for over a month. The family, at their own expense, brought in specialists from the Burdenko National Medical Research Center for Neurosurgery.

In addition, in 2018, Makka Khamuratova (Yevloyeva), a mother of six, fell into a coma during a cesarean section in the perinatal center of Ingushetia. The woman is currently paralyzed and does not speak.

In April 2021, after a complaint from patient Tamara Ekazheva, the prosecutor’s office found numerous violations in the republic’s perinatal center. Ekazheva stated that medical errors resulted in the amputation of her uterus and she will never be able to become a mother again. As a result, the Ingushetia Prosecutor’s Office found confirmation of Ekazheva’s complaints, but the chief physician merely warned her to prevent similar cases in the future.

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