Today Adam Khamchiev, a member of the regional political party Civic Initiative and blogger Adam Khamchiev testified at the OMVD in Magas, pleading guilty to illegal possession of a pistol, his lawyer Mark Gat said.

«In the process of interrogation it turned out that my client had found the gun not far from his house a few days before his arrest. He wanted to turn it in to the police, but due to his legal illiteracy he held the gun until the last moment. It was found during the search. There were no violations on the part of the interrogator during the interrogation,» the lawyer told Fortanga.

Adam Khamchiev, who became a defendant in the case under Part 1. Art. 222 of the Criminal Code, is under house arrest in the village of Inarki, Malgobeksky district, Ingushetia. He has the right to communicate with people who are registered in the house. The house itself belongs to Khamchiev’s uncle on his mother’s side, and about 7-8 people are registered there. All relatives support the blogger, Mark Gat noted.

Recall that in the early morning of January 27, unknown assailants came to Adam Khamchiyev’s apartment and took him away in an unknown direction. Later, a representative of the «Civic Initiative» said that Khamchiev was accused of illegal storage of weapons (Part 1, Article 222 of the Criminal Code). Khamchiev refused to testify, his lawyer said. The Magas City Court sentenced him to house arrest, while the state prosecutor demanded that the blogger be placed in custody in the SIZO. Khamchiev is known in the republic for his publications on sensitive social issues.

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