A resident of Ingushetia, Madina Ausheva, who was brought to the Moscow Center for Brain and Neurotechnology in a comatose state, underwent successful kidney surgery. However, her condition remains serious, Patimat Bekova, Madina’s sister, told Fortanga.

According to her, the operation was timely, as even two days of delay could have cost Madina her life.

«Madina was evacuated from Ingushetia in time. Thanks to the help of the republic’s former Minister of Health, Marem Arapkhanova, a team of urologists was summoned directly to the Federal Brain and Neurotechnology Center,» Patimat said.

Madina Ausheva still remains in a coma and unresponsive to those around her. Final studies have not yet been conducted. Treatment in Moscow is at the expense of the Ministry of Health, no money is taken from the family, the patient’s sister added.

«I express my gratitude for the assistance of Marem Arapkhanova, as well as the head of Ingushetia, Makhmud-Ali Kalimatov. If he had not instructed me to help with the move to the capital, the local Ministry of Health would have done nothing. So far we haven’t received any answers to the complaints about the perinatal center,» said Patimat Bekova.

We should remind you that after the birth of her sixth child, Madina Ausheva fell into a coma on November 30 and remains in this condition to this day. The relatives believe that this happened after an operation that was performed in violation of medical care procedures. They blame, in particular, Lyudmila Khaluhaeva, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the perinatal center. On February 14, Ausheva from Ingushetia was transported to the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Federal Brain and Neurotechnology Center of FMBA of Russia» in Moscow.

Roszdravnadzor organized an inspection of the circumstances of the incident, and investigators opened a criminal case under Part 2 Article 293 of the Criminal Code (negligence resulting in negligence causing serious harm to human health). The government of Ingushetia, represented by First Deputy Prime Minister Magomed Yevloyev, promised to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the perinatal center.

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