An official of the Ingush Ministry of Internal Affairs recorded a video appeal to the higher supervisory services to look into the lawlessness that prevails in the department.

In the video posted on social media, the employee’s face is hidden and his voice is altered. He explained this by his fear that he could be fired for such a complaint and would not be able to support his family.

The man’s appeal is addressed to the Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia, the head of the Presidential Administration, the presidential envoy to the North Caucasus Federal District, the head of the Investigative Committee, the director of the Federal Security Service and the Minister of the Interior.

The author of the video appeal claims that the management of the police department, in order to deprive the personnel of their bonuses, disciplined them. Only employees close to management were not penalized. At the same time, nepotism is rife within the police, and vacancies for «insiders» are often the result of downsizing existing officers, he said.

«How long will this go on? The new leaders appoint their cronies to positions, the local staff are dispersed. How long do they have to wipe their feet about us? Completely incompetent staff who don’t know their jobs are being appointed to positions. Ingushetia is a difficult region, we agree with you, one might say a difficult one. It requires an individual approach to each line of work. Not one of the contract employees who have come here is working in the street, and [they] are sitting in warm offices, drinking tea. Let the people brought in by the Minister report on the work done. Let each of them personally say what they’ve done,» the police officer noted.

The law enforcer is sure that none of the heads of the units, who were appointed from other regions, are solving crimes.

«None of the commuters will go to an incident at night. Who will solve crimes if, for example, an operative is punished for not making a case? Answer, what is the point of an operative making a case if he gets punished anyway? Operatives have no incentive to work. What’s the point if everyone is punished six, seven times, everyone is deprived of bonuses, payments and incentives,» he complained.

The problem is also acute with the ranks given to people who do not deserve them, the police officer said. He also alleges corruption within the authorities. According to the police officer, there is even a price list «for positions, transfers, certifications and other services.»

«In order to get a job in the Interior Ministry for RI to the rank-and-file — the rate is 450 thousand rubles, to the officer staff — 700 thousand rubles. [The management] removes unwanted employees on so-called performance appraisals,» says an anonymous source.

Also, he said, the personnel policy is based on the principle of loyalty. «Why bring here an employee from Kamchatka who will spend at least a year figuring out where he got to. Why can’t we appoint local officers who know the job. What is the reason for such hatred towards us?», said the police officer.

He is convinced that the situation in the regional Interior Ministry is tense to the extreme, and police officers are driven to despair.

Fortanga was told by the Ingush Interior Ministry’s press service that the ministry has yet to comment officially on the allegations made by the video’s author, but that it is currently checking the appeal.

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