Today, unknown masked men detained famous doctor and blogger Bakaudin Gaitukiev, relatives said.

«I need your help. Early this morning, masked men took my nephew, Gaitukiev Bagaudin, to an unknown destination. Many people know him personally. He’s a doctor, he’s been doing charity work for many years! He always did nothing but good! Do Dua for him!» — his native aunt Roza wrote on Facebook.

Presumably, the security forces took Gaitukiev away, and he may be suspected of aiding the «militants.

Lawyer Yakub Buzurtanov told Fortanga that everyone is looking for Bagaudin. «Nobody knows where he is,» the lawyer said. He refused to answer any other questions.

Gaitukiev maintained a dr.bahauddin page on Insagram, with the help of which he organized fundraisers for the treatment of children with the support of charitable foundations and people who cared. He was also engaged in other charitable projects — he helped the underprivileged, cared for the environment. Gaitukiev’s most recent publication was on March 1, in which he talks about the foot surgery performed on a small child.

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