The chairwoman of the Ingush regional branch of the Union of Russian Women, Madina Uzhakhova, has not informed the organization’s members about her plans to address the Russian president on their behalf in support of the military action in Ukraine, a source familiar with the situation told Fortanga.

«No one was made aware of this appeal,» he said.

The leader’s unauthorized treatment angered the women’s union. In protest against Uzhakhova’s actions, more than 20 people left the organization: the deputy chairwoman, a board member and other union members, said the source.

«The supervisor wrote and posted the appeal on her own behalf. We were told after the publication. She referred to the right to post such information without our knowledge,» he explained.

Initially there was an agreement that the organization does not interfere in politics and deals only with social issues, but despite this the head made this statement, the source stressed.

People’s Artist of Ingushetia, Commander of the Medal of the Order of the Russian Federation «For Merit to the Fatherland» of the second degree Zara Bazorkina commented on the publication of «Fortanga» with a statement Uzhakhova.

«I am in the union, but I am categorically against [any military action]. And I have never entered politics as a matter of principle and have never signed any letters,» she wrote.

Fortanga wrote earlier that the Russian president’s decision to conduct military operations in Ukraine was supported by the Ingush regional branch of the Union of Russian Women. Madina Uzhakhova, the organization’s chairwoman in Ingushetia, said that the president of Russia has taken it upon himself «to cleanse the land» of the brown plague. Meanwhile, public activists from Ingushetia advocated peace in Ukraine and an end to the special operation, calling on the sides to sit down at the negotiating table.

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